Dori's World ~ El Mundo de Dori

Friday, October 16, 2015

Marc Anthony unites fans across the miles

MAC 2006 Orlando, Fla. meet and greet winners
Fan clubs have been taken over by social media especially Facebook. Fan clubs have united many fans all over the world. In this case, a popular salsa artist has united many with his voice, music and fan clubs.

Marc Anthony has been singing for 21 plus years and many have followed him for that long and some even when he was singing in English before his crossover in the 1990s. His former fan clubs - La Familia and MAC (Marc Anthony Club) were an integral part of Marc fans. There were contests - meet and greets, photo opportunities, presale ticket purchases (fans had great seats for a reasonable price, now fans are not as fortunate)... close encounters with Marc, opportunities to attend special Marc events but things have changed. The love for Marc was shared via his former fan club forums with concert photos, meet and greets, great recaps of concerts, fans uniting... But within time, the fan clubs disintegrated. There was no 'playground' for Marc fans to share their love for him. There is Marc Anthony Online but...

Then came MySpace and currently Facebook (but they don't measure up to our former fan clubs) where some fans have managed to find each other once again to continue and share their love and support for their querido flaco. Some have been lucky to meet each other.

I have been fortunate to meet many from Miami, New York, Ohio, California and even Japan. On my recent trip to California I had the pleasure of meeting Arlene Castilla and reunited with Wanda Perez. I had met Wanda during our MAC glory days - we were fortunate winners of the fan clubs meet and greet contest for Orlando, Fla. and yes, she traveled from CA to Orlando.

2007 "El Cantante" activities in NYC

Margarita Mamiko from Japan

Maestro Cares 2013 volunteers
As for Arlene we had not met yet, but we shared many special Marc moments on MAC and now Facebook, emails and even phone calls (we would call each other during a Marc concert too, many did and still do). We had a special friendship bond and finally were able to meet. Although our former fan clubs don't exist, the Marc Anthony bond forever lives. And some day, some how we hope to share with Marc Anthony personally our love for him, his music (front row seats) and tell him how he has been an integral part of many of his fan's lives like the good old days.

Furthermore, I/we look forward to some day reuniting with La Familia and MAC for a Marc Anthony intimate concert somewhere, oh yes and take photos once again with our favorite salsero.

Yes, I love to dream big and believe!!

Viva Marc Anthony and his fans!!

If you have a similar story, photos please share.

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